Why Starting Open Enrollment Early In 2021 Is More Important Than Ever

     The COVID-19 pandemic shook the job market in ways never before seen. For one, it created so much uncertainty that employees who would’ve typically searched for a new job last year decided to stay put. For another, the pandemic prompted workers to take stock of their circumstances and consider what workplace perks matter most to them.

     Due to these reasons and others, experts predict a “turnover tsunami” in the latter half of 2021, as workers no longer feel the need to cling to their current employers.

Tailoring Benefits Options

     Employee benefits can be powerful retention tools. However, that’s only true if employees see value in the offerings. That’s why employers need to tailor their benefits options to include perks that employees are looking for.

     According to various surveys and reports, the following are some of the top benefits employees are looking for right now:

  • Telecommuting
  • Flexible or hybrid scheduling
  • Greater compensation
  • Mental health resources
  • Caregiving benefits
  • Developmental opportunities

Moreover, gaining employee feedback ahead of enrollment shows a meaningful interest in employee concerns. It can go a long way to proactively retaining employees by showing them that their quality of life matters.

     Reach out to Central PA Benefit Solutions for all your employee communication needs, including enrollment guides, video messaging, presentations, and more.

Download the full PDF here – Why Starting Open Enrollment Early In 2021 Is More Important Than Ever

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